The pruning in Bonsai plays a key role in the aesthetic maintenance of the plant, in the image of the other techniques used in Bonsai it is carried out by specific methods of art.
Through the pruning (among other techniques more) we model and maintain the shape of the tree by referring to the aspect that “we want”, and we still get the decrease in the dimension of the leaves and between us (space between leaves), stimulate the density of the plant (increase the no of leaves) and redistribute the energy in Bonsai.
The principle applied in the Bonsai pruning is very similar to that applied in the pruning of hedges, cutting the apical (dominant) gums its energy stimulates axillary gums, which produce smaller-sized leaves and with smaller interweaves, thus we obtain the subdivision of the legates which increases the density of the plant.
In Bonsai there are different types of pruning, depending on the desired objectives and the species to apply:
Radical Poda - It is performed during the transplant, it focuses on the thickest roots (sustentation) in order to stimulate the thinnest (captation).
In this pruning we must use thick prune scissors or root pruning pliers, these have a straight cutting angle (not a concavity as in the pruning pliers), this type of cutting stimulates the emission of new roots in the cutting zone.
Transformation Pode – Strong pot that aims to create a Bonsai, or aesthetic reformulation of a tree changing its shape. This pruning consists of cutting thick branches of the plant and can be performed with the aid of pliers and saws proper to Bonsai.
After the removal of the leg we should deepen the cut with a concave cutting pliers that will facilitate healing, in cuts with calibers exceeding 5 mm and apply scarring to stimulate healing and protect against fungi and insects.
Maintenance Poda – This type of pruning focuses on the new growth of the plant, aims to maintain its shape, decrease the leaves and the space of the interweaves, and finally, control of the energetically dominant legades “strengthening” the weakest.
It is carried out with scissors and in some cases with the hands.
Elimination of Apicais (Metsumi in Japanese) – This technique consists of the removal only of the apical gomo of the plant, then in the initial stage of growth of the legda (after emission of 1 or 2 pairs). So we can keep the shape of a Bonsai longer and achieve reduced-dimensional sheets.
It is specified for aesthetically very finalized Bonsai to which we are interested to keep the stable shape as long as possible and, in large leaf species that present a dominant follar growth in Primaveril budding (e.g. Ficus, Macieiras, Acer, Faias, etc...)
Poda de Escamiformes – Plants whose leaves are similar to scales (e.g.:Juniperus, cryptocurrencies, Chamaeciparis, etc.). These plants are pruned with the tips of the fingers like pinching them.
This process is used because if they are pruned with scissors the cutting zone will be yellow and dry.
Pinheiros Poda – The Pines are pruned at the time when they start issuing the “velas” (growth zone of the new gums) but before they stop their growth and start stretching needles. By making the pruning (with the tips of the fingers) at this stage of growth we will stimulate the emission of several new buds thus subdividing the pruning and increasing the density of the plant.
Defoliation – Even if it is not properly a pruning we can group it in this article and apply to large leaf plants aimed at reducing the dimension of it, increasing compaction and improving outonal coloring (e.g. Acer).
It consists of the total elimination of leaves leaving the petioles of them. It is applied in a growing phase of the plant in which the leaf has already matured and the folheares of the following year have formed, in Portugal it is around July.
We often take advantage of this time to crush the plant since it is easier to perform this task, or in some cases transplant (Ex: Ficus Retusa).
Defoliation when partially applied (removing the leaves of the strongest legades and leaving in the weakest) serves to balance the energy of the plant and strengthen the weak zones of the plant.
It should only defoliate strong healthy plants that have been well adubated throughout the previous spring, after defoliation should expose Bonsai to the sun, control the watering because the plant reduces water consumption and does not fertilizer until it starts sprouting.
Must apply weekly Bio Bonsai Activ