technical sheets - Easy Care System
The "Easy Care System", is a system of watering automatic, which works by means of a "preservoir+vaso" and "level meter" specifically developed for the concept, which allow a minimum autonomy of about 1 week (depending on the species and height of the year).
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technical sheets - Bouganvilea
Bouganvilea is a fast growing Bonsai, very resistant and well adapted to Mediterranean and mild climates where it produces flowers practically every year. There are 2 Most common varieties in Bonsai, with slight differences between themselves, Glabra and Spectabilis.
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technical sheets - Pinus Sylvestris
Bonsai perennial with dark green needles of reduced dimensions, and wrinkle bark that gives it extraordinary beauty. Its high capacity for adaptation, resistance and good response to Bonsai techniques has made it the most appreciated European pine species in Bonsai.
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technical sheets - Carvalho Faginea
Native species of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa is commonly known as Oak-Portuguese, belongs to the Fagacea Family. The Bonsai de Carvalho Faginea, is very appreciated by bark is dark and deeply fissured, contrasting with the leaf color alternations ranging from light green on budding to golden in fall.
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technical sheets - Carpinus
Species from Western Asia and Europe belong to the Fagaceae family. Bonsai of caduca leaf, greatly appreciated by the contrast between the lush green of the leaves (in the growth phase and the yellow/gold in the autumn phase) and the gray tone trunk, which will make "grets" with the ageing of the plant.
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technical sheets - Syzigium
Original species from Australia and New Zealand, belongs to the Myrtacea family. Bonsai of dark and bright green leaves in the shape of a spear, which present an orange tonality in the budding and produces small white flowers and which occasionally pass to red fruits. She enjoys solo exhibitions but needs frost protection.
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technical sheets - Prunus Incisa Kojo in Mai
Species from Japan belonging to the family of the Rosaceaes. This variety was discovered in the area of Mount Fuji (common name Cerejeira Fuji), Kojo-No-Mai, means "Bobolet Flight". The flowering occurs in the spring before the leaves appear and is of pinkish white tone.
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technical sheets - Metasequoia and Taxodium
They belong to the Cupressaceas family, with the Metasequoia originating in China and the Taxodium of the Southeast American, they are "parents" between themselves and the "gigantes" of plant nature, the Sequoias. Bonsai caduco, of green and composite leaves, being paired in Metasequoia and alternations in the Taxodium.
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technical sheets - Serissa
Low and oval leaf perennial Bonsai from Southern China and Japan, belonging to the family of Rubiaceae. There are more suitable varieties for indoors (Chinensis) and others for outdoors (Japónica) but both produce flower all year round, mostly at the end of summer.
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technical sheets - Romantic
It belongs to the family of the Punicáceas and is from the Mediterranean. Bonsai of caduca leaf, blooms abundantly since the spring, bearing fruit at the end of summer. There is a highly appreciated Japanese variety, the Punica Granatum Nejikan, by its twisted trunk.
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technical sheets - Chinese language
This variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai, although there are several types of Ligustruns. Perennial bush, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning), there is still a kind of white and green leaf (variegata).
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