The quality of Bonsai soil is of extreme importance, as the size of the vase is greatly reduced and the soil has to ensure perfect cultivation conditions (drenage, retention and availability of water and nutrients).
One of the most important factors in a good soil mixture is its drainage, the size of the soil grain should always be greater than 2 mm, rejecting the powder, the soil mixture may vary depending on the climate of the crop zone and still depending on the plant species.
The balance between drainage and the organic part, is also of extreme importance, it is known that in addition to the retention of nutrients and water, it is in the organic part of the soil that develop the beneficial bacteria and fungi (Microorganisms of the Rizophers) that live in symbiosis with plants.
These synergies exist at the level of water and nutrient collection and availability, and stimulate plant resistance by protecting it from stress factors Abiotic (fungi, bacteria, pests and nocives) and Biotic (Environmental Stress as thirst, excess water, frost, etc...).
Depending also on the desired goals for the plant, when we want to accelerate the growth of a plant by fertilizing it more strongly we can increase the drainage of the soil (greater diameter), so we will have to water more, then we can grow more without risk of salting the soil.
Based on the components described below, we develop specifically for our climate, the following formulations:
Terra Bonsai Folhosas - Ideal for all Bonsai species of "foils" be caducas or persistent, of Inside and Outdoor (except conifers and azaleas).
Ensures optimal retention x water drainage and nutrient exchange capability with the plant, allowing the development of bacterial soil life.
Soundtrack composed by:
Volcanic gravel
Terra Bonsai Coníferas - Indicated for all conifers and species that require great drainage.
The mixture of conifers is also indicated for use in plants with root problems (after root fungi) or for "intense crop", for having faster dry drainage allows to water and then to grow more often.
Soundtrack composed by:
Volcanic gravel
Terra Bonsai Azaleas – Suitable for Azaleas and rhododendrons as well as all acidophilic species, this mix can be an alternative to Kanuma pure, having the advantage of optimizing drainage mainly in the case of the Azáleas that have a very "compact root system".
Soundtrack composed by:
Volcanic gravel
Brief description of the different types of components used for Bonsai substrate mixtures:
Akadama – Japanese volcanic clay (mineral), has good granulometry, retention capacity and nutrient "troca" (complex Argilo-Húmico),it has good drainage of the water surplus, due to its physical characteristics not colligate (does not clay) which guarantees these characteristics for long period.
It has P.H. neutral, it is sterilized free of seeds and weeds.
In Japan use it to plant all leafy species (caducas and persistent), also mix it with Kiryuzuna, to increase moisture retention in some conifers (ex Juniperus).
O Akadama is also widely used in aquariophilia (planted water).
Kanuma – Japanese (mineral) origin Soil from the area Kanuma (land of the azaleas in Japan), the main characteristic of Kanuma is having a P.H. acid and perpetuate this acidity for a long period (contrary to the peat which is also acidic but will neutralize (alkalinizing with the regas), this characteristic is due to the fact that the Kanuma be acid by thermal demineralization, which reduces its ability to alkalinization, ensuring acidity during the interval between transplants.
This soil is ideal to be used pure (or as a very high percentage in consorciation with other components) in azaleas, rhododendrons and all species that require p. H. Acid.
In limestone zones (as in Southern Portugal), or when water from watering is alkaline, or in species that are not acidophylls like slightly acidic soils (bouganvilea, citrus, etc...), we can add a percentage (10 to 15%) to the mixture of folhosas to facilitate the capture of nutrients avoiding chlorosis (such as the case of fertile chlorosis- iron deficiency).
Kiryuzuna – Soil of Japanese volcanic origin (mineral), quite hard which reduces the water and nutrient retention capacity in relation to the Akadama, thus making it ideal to increase drainage of soil mixtures and for use in Conifers and species that require high drainage.
Keto - Solo of Japanese origin composed of powder Akadama and peat powder, moistened and kneaded until they have an easily moldable texture.
This soil is known for its malleability indicated for the creation of landscapes, forests and in different styles of Bonsai, whenever it is necessary to make soil fixation to rocks, create barriers, etc...
Volcanic record - Mineral material of volcanic origin, with p.H. neutral (does not change p.H. of the soil as occurs with all the rocks of calcareous origin) low water retention (8 to 13% of its volume) and nutrients.
Ideal for consociating with other components and ensuring drainage, being lighter than other types of drainage materials, given their edges stimulates root division.
It can also be used in the "bottom of the vessels" in thin layer to increase drainage.
Pomice - Limestone-free volcanic mineral material, fruit of the "explosive gas" part of the magma, with p.H. 7 - 8 and good drainage is ideal for in mixtures of Bonsai substrates.
Its very porous structure makes it very light, with a water retention capacity higher than that of vulcanic gravel but still very good drainage, is indicated for use layer of "bass of the vase" to ensure drainage.
It is used in % higher, in pre-Bonsai and plants in which large drainage is intended to increase watering (and as such greater possibility of growth adubation) and in Yamadori after collection to facilitate rooting and prevent fungi from excess moisture.
Its mineral nature makes it poor in nutrient retention so it should be associated with a % of organic matter (e.g. Coco Peat).
Musgo de Sphagnum - The Musgo de Sphagnum can be hydrated (usually loose) or dehydrated (usually compacted),it is ideal for orchid cultivation, whether it is consociating with other substrates or in some pure cases.
It is also suitable for the assembly of orchids and the preparation of Kokedamas, either orchids or other plants. It is widely used in the propagation of Bonsai (and other trees or bushes) in Alporquia (air rooting) and as cover of the surface layer of Bonsai soil in post transplantation, especially if they become exposed roots to protect them during the initial period of adaptation.
Indirectly stimulates the appearance of moss faster on the surface layer of the soil, below where it is spread, because its p.H. slightly acid will facilitate the implantation of moss, and when removed leaves the typical "green touch" of much appreciated moss.
Coco Peat - It is an organic component, perfect for incorporating in the mixtures of substrates for Bonsai, retain nutrients and humidity, has the advantage of drying and moisturizing more easily than peat or terriços of plant origin.
Coco peel derivative, which is calibrated in order to obtain a "texture" similar to that of peat, is "corrected" to have the p.H. and EC ideal for plant cultivation, has also excellent conditions for the development of healthy bacterial life of the soil (Microorganisms Rizos).