-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai 21 anos 51744A 0 review €198.00 €220.00 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Deshojo, é muito apreciada pelo tom vermelho forte na brotação e após defoliação, e pela magnifica coloração Outonal, que passa por diferentes tons de... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Oliveira Bonsai of 20 years 52041 0 review €162.00 €180.00 Species originating in the Mediterranean area (Portugal/Greece/Spain/Italy), belonging to the family of Oleaceas.It is a slow growth Bonsai, persistent leaf, oval of gray green tones, very resistant and well adapted to our climate, punctually toast us with the fruit, is indispensable in all collections.Oliveira Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai de 7 anos 69506 2 reviews €27.00 €30.00 Espécie pertencente à família das Oleáceas, a qual abrange a China, Japão e Europa.Embora existam vários tipos de Ligustruns, esta variedade oriunda da China é a que melhor resulta em Bonsai.Trata-se de um arbusto perene, de folha ovalada verde, dá uma flor branca no verão (em Bonsai é raro por causa das podas). Existe uma espécie de folha branca e verde... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 25 year old Pseudocydonia Bonsai 54548C 0 review €270.00 €300.00 The Bonsai of Pseudocydonia is a Japanese marmeleiro of caduca leaf, which gives rose flowers that then pass to perfumed and large fruits.It is greatly appreciated by its bark that when it grows old, it creates different shades, which contrast with the green of the leaf and the rose of the flowers.Pseudocydonia Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ilex Crenata Bonsai 9 years 55012 0 review €40.50 €45.00 From China and Japan, it belongs to the family of Aquifoliáceas.In Bonsai the most widely used varieties are Ilex Microphyla and Ilex Crenata. It is a persistent leaf tree, small of dark green tone.Ilex Crenata Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Zanthoxylum Bonsai of 27 Years 64150B 0 review €315.00 €350.00 A species from Madagascar is part of the family of the Rutaceans.The Zanthoxylum Bonsai has deciduous leaves, composed, bright greens, which by being pruned emanate a citric smell.It is also called Operculicarya, blooms in male plants and female plants, without easy dimorphism between gender. It is rare in Bonsai to bear fruit but to achieve it we have to... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai de 8 Anos 69110 0 review €33.75 €37.50 Espécie pertencente à família das Oleáceas, a qual abrange a China, Japão e Europa.Embora existam vários tipos de Ligustruns, esta variedade oriunda da China é a que melhor resulta em Bonsai.Trata-se de um arbusto perene, de folha ovalada verde, dá uma flor branca no verão (em Bonsai é raro por causa das podas). Existe uma espécie de folha branca e verde... Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Zambujeiro - Oliveira Brava - Bonsai de 32 Anos 60855A 0 review €450.00 €500.00 Espécie oriunda da zona do Mediterrâneo (Portugal/Grécia/Espanha/Itália), pertence à família das Oleáceas.A Olea Sylvestris, conhecida como Zambujeiro, é de crescimento lento, folha persistente, ovalada e dimensão muito reduzida quando comparada com Oliveira.É resistente e bem adaptada ao nosso clima, tem uma capacidade natural de compactar a folha e... Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Macieira Bonsai de 16 anos 53227 0 review €85.50 €95.00 Espécie pertencente à família das Rosáceas que tem como principais origens a Ásia, Europa e América do Norte.A variedade Macieira "Everest", é a mais utilizada na Europa Bonsai, pois tem florações e frutificações muito "generosas", tem folha caduca e ovalada. A flor é branca/rosada por fora, e o fruto de reduzida dimensão (cerca de 1 cm) fica vermelho no... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Oliveira Bonsai de 9 Anos 52013 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Espécie oriunda do Sudoeste da China que pertence à família das Boragináceas.Bonsai persistente de crescimento lento, folhas muito apreciadas pelo seu verde luxuriante.O Bonsai Carmona, dá uma flor branca que se pode seguir de um fruto. Existem 2 variedades, a de folha maior (Macrophyla) e a de folha menor (microphyla), esta última é menos comum.A Carmona... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Pinheiro Pentaphylla Bonsai 25 years 51948A 0 review €270.00 €300.00 Species belonging to the family of Pináceaes and from Japan and Taiwan.It is a perennial tree, with needles grouped in sauces of 5 (pentaphylla). The needles feature a gray vein, which is often called Japanese White Pine.Pinheiro Pentaphylla Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Azalea Bonsai of 29 years 53352 0 review €360.00 €400.00 Member of the Ericace family is from Japan.It is greatly appreciated by its flowering, that in some varieties can be of different shades in the same plant (and have different colors in the same flower).Azálea Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Azalea Bonsai 25 years 53348A 0 review €270.00 €300.00 Member of the Ericace family is from Japan.It is a species very appreciated for its flowering, which in some varieties can be of different shades in the same plant (and have different colors in the same flower).Azálea Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Fraxinus Bonsai de 31 anos 60554B 0 review €427.50 €475.00 Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 23 year old Carmona Macrophyla Bonsai 66146C 0 review €225.00 €250.00 Species from the Southwest of China belonging to the Boraginace family.Persistent bonsai of slow growth, leaves much appreciated by its lush green.The Bonsai Carmona, gives a white flower that can be followed by a fruit. There are 2 varieties, the larger leaf (Macrophyla) and the smaller leaf (microphyla), the latter is less common.Carmona Bonsai is an... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Massive "Everest" Bonsai 40 years 53262B 0 review €855.00 €950.00 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira variety "Everest", is the most widely used in Europe Bonsai, as it has very "generous" flowering and fructifications, has caduca leaf and ovalada. The flower is white/roasted outside, and the reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is red at the end of... Add to cart