-13% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 27 year old Carmona Macrophyla Bonsai 66150C 0 review €304.50 €350.00 Time left Species from the Southwest of China belonging to the Boraginace family.Persistent bonsai of slow growth, leaves much appreciated by its lush green.The Bonsai Carmona, gives a white flower that can be followed by a fruit. There are 2 varieties, the larger leaf (Macrophyla) and the smaller leaf (microphyla), the latter is less common.Carmona Bonsai is an... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Carmona Macrophyla Bonsai 5 years 66003 2 reviews €14.85 €16.50 Species from the Southwest of China belonging to the Boraginace family.Persistent bonsai of slow growth, leaves much appreciated by its lush green.The Bonsai Carmona, gives a white flower that can be followed by a fruit. There are 2 varieties, the larger leaf (Macrophyla) and the smaller leaf (microphyla), the latter is less common.Carmona Bonsai is an... Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Acer Buergarianum (Trident) 37-year Bonsai 51660A 0 review €720.00 €800.00 Species from China and Korea, belonging to the Acerace family.It is a small leaf tree, caduca, with three lobes (trident), much appreciated for its Outonal coloring and differences of the bark tone (the bark falls into scales).The Acer Buergerianum (Trident) Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart