-10% Species of Bonsai 9 year old Cotoneaster Coral Beauty Bonsai 58213 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Species from the temperate areas of Asia, Europe and Africa belonging to the family of RosáecasThe Cotoneaster Coral Beauty is slow-growing, semi-caduc leaves, green and small, white flower and orange berry.The Cotoneaster Coral Beauty Bonsai is an outdoor plant.Gift Box OfferREPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-13% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai de 50 Anos 51566D 0 review €1,109.25 €1,275.00 Time left O Bonsai Ficus Retusa, é uma planta de folha persistente e de média dimensão.O aspecto que mais atrai os Bonsaistas é a elevada resistência aliada à beleza da casca e raízes aéreas que pode emitir, ambas as caracteristicas são mais evidentes na variedade Tiger Bark, que tem as folhas menores e entrenós mais curtos.A Ficus Retusa Bonsai é uma planta de... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 5 Years 51503 2 reviews €14.85 €16.50 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficus Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart