-10% Species of Bonsai 9 year old Metasequoia Bonsai 56213 1 review €43.65 €48.50 From China, belonging to the Cupressaceas family.Bonsai de Folha caduca, composed and paired, in nature are large trees, Sequoia, which can easily reach the 40 meters in height, and 3 or more meters in diameter of the base of the trunk, the shell is grayish-colored.It is "parent" of Taxodium, whose difference is the disposition of its leaves, being those... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Monkey "Everest" Bonsai of 17 Years 53231 0 review €112.50 €125.00 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira variety "Everest", is the most widely used in Europe Bonsai, as it has very "generous" flowering and fructifications, has caduca leaf and ovalada. The flower is white/roasted outside, and the reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is red at the end of... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Figueira Bonsai of 7 Years 52407 0 review €30.15 €33.50 Native species of the Southwest of Asia and the Mediterranean, belonging to the Moracean family.Bonsai caduco, with green leaves above and grayed underneath, with 3 to 5 lobes. Quite appreciated by the punctual fruiting and form of the leaf, which if pruned to the first leaves can significantly reduce the dimension.Figueira Bonsai is an outdoor plant.Gift... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Mass "Everest" Bonsai of 12 Years 53218 1 review €61.65 €68.50 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira variety "Everest", is the most widely used in Europe Bonsai, as it has very "generous" flowering and fructifications, has caduca leaf and ovalada. The flower is white/roasted outside, and the reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is red at the end of... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Miss Everest Bonsai of 7 Years 53207 0 review €30.15 €33.50 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira variety "Everest", is the most widely used in Europe Bonsai, as it has very "generous" flowering and fructifications, has caduca leaf and ovalada. The flower is white/roasted outside, and the reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is red at the end of... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Figueira Bonsai of 9 Years 52413 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Native species of the Southwest of Asia and the Mediterranean, belonging to the Moracean family.Bonsai caduco, with green leaves above and grayed underneath, with 3 to 5 lobes. Appreciated in Bonsai by the punctual fruitification and form of the leaf, which is pruned to the first leaves can significantly reduce the dimension.Figueira Bonsai is an outdoor... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Figueira Bonsai of 12 Years 52418 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Native species of the Southwest of Asia and the Mediterranean, belonging to the Moracean family.Bonsai caduco, with green leaves above and grayed underneath, with 3 to 5 lobes. Appreciated in Bonsai by the punctual fruitification and form of the leaf, which is pruned to the first leaves can significantly reduce the dimension.Figueira Bonsai is an outdoor... Add to cart
-12% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Macieira "Everest" Bonsai de 40 anos 53262A 0 review €836.00 €950.00 Time left Espécie pertencente à família das Rosáceas que tem como principais origens a Ásia, Europa e América do Norte.A variedade Macieira "Everest", é a mais utilizada na Europa Bonsai, pois tem florações e frutificações muito "generosas", tem folha caduca e ovalada. A flor é branca/rosada por fora, e o fruto de reduzida dimensão (cerca de 1 cm) fica vermelho no... Add to cart