-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai of 29 Years 69152A 0 review €360.00 €400.00 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai of 29 Years 69152B 0 review €360.00 €400.00 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai 9 years 69512 0 review €40.50 €45.00 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 22 year old Ligustrum Bonsai 69145A 0 review €213.75 €237.50 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 22 year old Ligustrum Bonsai 69145B 0 review €213.75 €237.50 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai 17 Years 69129 0 review €89.95 €99.95 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai 10 Years 69116 1 review €49.50 €55.00 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai of 7 Years 69008 0 review €29.25 €32.50 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai of 8 Years 69110 0 review €33.75 €37.50 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai 12 years 69517 0 review €58.50 €65.00 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai 7 years 69506 2 reviews €27.00 €30.00 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Bonsai de 7 Anos 56907 0 review €30.15 €33.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), com uma folha de tom purpura na brotação, que escurece ligeiramente no Verão.O segredo da manutenção das folhas de dimensão mais reduzida, tem que ver com podas/metsumi após a brotação inicial dos primeiros pares de folhas.O Acer Palmatum... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Bonsai de 9 Anos 56913 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), com uma folha de tom purpura na brotação, que escurece ligeiramente no Verão.O segredo da manutenção das folhas de dimensão mais reduzida, tem que ver com podas/metsumi após a brotação inicial dos primeiros pares de folhas.O Acer Palmatum... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Bonsai de 12 Anos 56918 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), com uma folha de tom purpura na brotação, que escurece ligeiramente no Verão.O segredo da manutenção das folhas de dimensão mais reduzida, tem que ver com podas/metsumi após a brotação inicial dos primeiros pares de folhas.O Acer Palmatum... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Bonsai de 17 Anos 56931 0 review €112.50 €125.00 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), com uma folha de tom purpura na brotação, que escurece ligeiramente no Verão.O segredo da manutenção das folhas de dimensão mais reduzida, tem que ver com podas/metsumi após a brotação inicial dos primeiros pares de folhas.O Acer Palmatum... Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Yamamomiji Bonsai de 28 anos 62351 0 review €337.50 €375.00 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Yamamomiji, é muito apreciada pela reduzida dimensão da folha e grande capacidade de compactação devido aos curtos entrenós, brota amarelo/laranja e passa a tons de verde no... Add to cart
-10% New Pre Bonsai Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Pré Bonsai de 4 anos 70151A 0 review €17.95 €19.95 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), com uma folha de tom purpura na brotação, que escurece ligeiramente no Verão.O segredo da manutenção das folhas de dimensão mais reduzida, tem que ver com podas/metsumi após a brotação inicial dos primeiros pares de folhas.O Acer Palmatum... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ligustrum Bonsai of 5 Years 69003 0 review €14.85 €16.50 Species belonging to the family of Oleaceas, which covers China, Japan and Europe.Although there are several types of Ligustruns, this variety from China is the one that best results in Bonsai.It is a perennial shrub, of green oval leaf, gives a white flower in the summer (in Bonsai it is rare because of the pruning). There is a kind of white and green... Add to cart