-10% Species of Bonsai 9 year old Sylvestris Bonsai pine 63913 1 review €43.65 €48.50 Species belonging to the family of Pináceaes originating in Europe.Perennial bonsai with dark green needles of reduced dimensions (2 to 3 cm), and wrinkle peel that gives it extraordinary beauty.Its high capacity for adaptation and resistance, the proportion of needles and good response to Bonsai's techniques, made it the most appreciated European pine... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 12 year old Sylvestris Bonsai pine 63918 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Species belonging to the family of Pináceaes originating in Europe.Perennial bonsai with dark green needles of reduced dimensions (2 to 3 cm), and wrinkle peel that gives it extraordinary beauty.Its high capacity for adaptation and resistance, the proportion of needles and good response to Bonsai's techniques, made it the most appreciated European pine... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 29 year old Bonsai Alfarrobeira 57152 0 review €360.00 €400.00 Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Yamamomiji Bonsai de 28 anos 62351 0 review €337.50 €375.00 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Yamamomiji, é muito apreciada pela reduzida dimensão da folha e grande capacidade de compactação devido aos curtos entrenós, brota amarelo/laranja e passa a tons de verde no... Add to cart