-10% Species of Bonsai Citrus Kinzu Bonsai 20 years 61841 0 review €162.00 €180.00 From Asia, it belongs to the Rutacean family.The Bonsai Citrus Kinzu is greatly appreciated by the reduced dimension of its fruit (1 cm diameter), of a strong orange tone. This variety of Citrus flourishes and fruitifies abundantly, practically all year round. Bonsai Citrus Kinzu is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-15% New Species of Bonsai Prunus Tomentosa Bonsai of 9 Years 62013 0 review €41.22 €48.50 From North and West China, Korea and Mongolia, it belongs to the family of Rosaceas.Bonsai of caduca leaf, much appreciated for its flashy (white) flowering and reddish brown fruits, its leaves are oval and bristle with a dark green hue. Prunus Tomentosa Bonsai is an outdoor plant.Gift Box OfferREPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart