-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Carvalho Faginea Bonsai 38 years 53561B 0 review €787.50 €875.00 Native species of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa is commonly known as Carvalho-Portuguese or Carvalho-Cerquinho, belongs to the Fagacea Family.The Bonsai de Carvalho Faginea is a marcescent leaf tree (Semi Deciduous), whose tone oscillates between light green at the beginning of spring and golden in autumn/winter..Very well adapted to our climate,... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Faginea Oak Bonsai 9 years old 53513 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Native species of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa is commonly known as Carvalho-Portuguese or Carvalho-Cerquinho, belongs to the Fagacea Family.The Bonsai de Carvalho Faginea is a marcescent leaf tree (Semi Deciduous), whose tone oscillates between light green at the beginning of spring and golden in autumn/winter..Very well adapted to our climate,... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia Bonsai of 12 Years 63818 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Species from China and Japan, belonging to the Cupressacea family.Not being a classic Japanese variety, the Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia has the ability to compact well, and its scales have a bluish green tone that gives it a lot of originality.The Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Almond Bonsai 2012 99024A 0 review €150.00 Bonsai of caduca leaf, much appreciated for its flowering in light pink tone, which punctually premeates us with a fruit. It belongs to the family of the Rosaceaes and is from the Mediterranean zones of the Middle East.A Almond Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Almond Bonsai 2012 99024B 0 review €150.00 Bonsai of caduca leaf, much appreciated for its flowering in light pink tone, which punctually premeates us with a fruit. It belongs to the family of the Rosaceaes and is from the Mediterranean zones of the Middle East.A Almond Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Almond Bonsai 2012 99024D 0 review €150.00 Bonsai of caduca leaf, much appreciated for its flowering in light pink tone, which punctually premeates us with a fruit. It belongs to the family of the Rosaceaes and is from the Mediterranean zones of the Middle East.A Almond Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-15% New Species of Bonsai Prunus Tomentosa Bonsai de 9 Anos 62013 0 review €41.22 €48.50 Oriundo do Norte e Oeste da China, Coreia e Mongólia, pertence à família da Rosáceas.Bonsai de folha caduca, muito apreciado pela sua floração vistosa (branca) e frutos castanho-avermelhado, as suas folhas são ovais e cerradas com uma tonalidade verde escura. O Prunus Tomentosa Bonsai é uma planta de exterior.Oferta de Caixa de PresenteFOTO REPRESENTATIVA* Add to cart