-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Serissa Bonsai, 21 years old 65143A 0 review €180.00 €200.00 Species belonging to the family of Rubiáceas (coffee), originates Southern China and Japan. Perennial bush of reduced leaf, ovalada, there are some varieties, possessing all a variegate version (white and green leaf) which needs to be more exposed to the sun since it has less green "area" to perform photosynthesis.Serissa produces a lot of flower all... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Serissa Bonsai of 8 Years 65110 0 review €33.75 €37.50 Species belonging to the family of Rubiáceas (coffee), originates Southern China and Japan. Perennial bush of reduced leaf, ovalada, there are some varieties, possessing all a variegate version (white and green leaf) which needs to be more exposed to the sun since it has less green "area" to perform photosynthesis.Serissa produces a lot of flower all... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Macieira "Courtarou Coccinella" Bonsai of 12 Years 57618 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira "Courtarou Coccinella", has flowers in shades of Pink and fruiting in dark rose, its purpura leaf is caduca. The reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is not very abundant, appears punctually, is a very resistant variety.The Macieira "Cortarou... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Macieira "Courtarou Coccinella" Bonsai of 7 Years 57607 0 review €30.15 €33.50 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira "Courtarou Coccinella", has flowers in shades of Pink and fruiting in dark rose, its purpura leaf is caduca. The reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is not very abundant, appears punctually, is a very resistant variety.The Macieira "Courtarou... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Macieira "Courtarou Coccinella" Bonsai of 9 Years 57613 1 review €43.65 €48.50 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira "Courtarou Coccinella", has flowers in shades of Pink and fruiting in dark rose, its purpura leaf is caduca. The reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is not very abundant, appears punctually, is a very resistant variety.The Macieira "Cortarou... Add to cart