-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai Pliers - Jin/Shari 230 mm - Basic 04010 0 review €17.06 €18.95 Jin/Shari's Bonsai Pliers use to "brush" the branches to make Jin (Wood Dead), be pulling, be tightening laterally in order to remove the bark from the branch. It is also very useful in laying and removing wires and in the "anchorage" of the wires in the transplant. There are models of "right head" or "lateral". Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Tools and accessories Set 3 Peneiras for Bonsai - 210 mm 02074 0 review €15.75 €17.50 Set of three sieves for Bonsai.Dimension: 210 mm Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai scarifier - 1 tooth 220 mm - Goshin 05328 0 review €11.70 €13.00 Used to unfold the roots in the transplant.The "Goshin" Bonsai Escarifier is produced by Japanese quality standards in a high-strength but easily-friendly Carbonic Steel Alloy (Rigidez HRC 54-56).Dimension: 220 mmMaterial: Carbon Steel Add to cart
-10% New Tools and accessories Organic Fertilizer Contentor for Bonsai - 10 unid 02137 0 review €3.83 €4.26 Plastic fertilizer container.Packing: 10 units Add to cart
-15% Tools and accessories Aluminio arame for Bonsai 5 mm- 100 gr 02051 0 review €4.26 €5.01 Aluminum arame specific to model Bonsai, copper-plated to not contrast in the tree. Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai defoliador - 175 mm - Basic 04023 0 review €4.45 €4.94 The self-opening system of the defoliador blades for Bonsai facilitates defoliation and pruning of apicais ("Metsumi-pinçagem"). Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai Scissor - Cut Arame 160 mm - Inox Goshin 05355 0 review €25.87 €28.75 They are used to after crushing and modeling the tips of the branches, simultaneously cutting the wire and the rama.The Scissor for Bonsai Cut Arame in Stainless "Goshin" is produced by Japanese quality standards in a stainless steel alloy with a chromium index of 13% (which prevents rust) and high strength but easily reliable (Rigidez HRC 54-56). Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Tools and accessories Bonsai Transplant Foice - 330 mm - "Ryuga" 05154 0 review €15.93 €17.70 Ryuga" it is produced in China and obeys production and quality control with Japanese standard.Dimension: 330 mm Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai Pliers - Corte Côncavo 180 mm - Inox Goshin 05349 0 review €33.25 €36.95 The cutting form allows after the total suppression of thick branching, to create a clean concavity in the trunk that facilitates healing and improves the aesthetic result of it.It is also sometimes used to "discard" wood of branches in which it is intended to make Jin (Wood Dead).The Pliers for Bonsai de Corte Côncavo in Stainless "Goshin" is produced by... Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai Pliers - Cut Roots 200 mm - Inox Goshin 05356 0 review €39.15 €43.51 The cutting angle and the "cutting of the blades" (stress instead of overlapping as in all other tools), as well as the coarseness of the cutting zone, allow the cutting of roots without "concavity", which stimulates the emission of roots in the cutting zone rather than the "close" by healing as occurs with the cutting of the Cocave pliers.The Stainless... Add to cart
-10% New Tools and accessories Saucer of Rectangular Plastic 21*15*2 cm Black - Japan 02078 0 review €4.05 €4.50 Dimensions: 21*15*2 cmColor: BlackSaucer high quality rigid plastic. Ideal for when you don't find the perfect color for your vase.It is composed of non porous material. Add to cart
-10% New Tools and accessories 0.9L Grey Bonsai Watering Can 02331 0 review €9.00 €10.00 Plastic recorder in color Ash 0.9Lt, ideal for smoothly watering your Bonsai. Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Serra de Bonsai - Foldable 180 mm - Goshin 05316 0 review €12.55 €13.95 The Foldable Saw for Bonsai "Goshin" is produced by Japanese quality standards in a high-strength carbon steel alloy (Rigidez HRC 54-56).Dimension: 180 mmMaterial: Carbon Steel Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Tools and accessories Enxertar/Jin knife for Bonsai - 160 mm - "Ryuga" 05153 0 review €11.73 €13.04 Enxertar/Jin knife "Ryuga" is produced in China and obeys production and quality control with Japanese standard. Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai Pliers - Jin 210 mm - Inox Goshin 05346 0 review €37.35 €41.50 It is used to "bring" the branches to make Jin (Wood Dead), be pulling, be tightening laterally in order to remove the bark from the branch. It is also very useful in laying and removing wires and in the "anchorage" of the wires in the transplant. There are models of "right head" or "lateral".Jin Bonsai Pliers in Stainless Steel "Goshin" is produced by... Add to cart
-10% Products Orchids Terra Orquídeas Terrestres - Substrate - 1.5Lt 01087 0 review €2.47 €2.75 Ideal for the cultivation of terrestrial orchids (Cymbidiums, Paphiopedilums, Bletillas, Dactylorhizas, Peliones, Ludsias, etc...).soil Sheet for Orchids Add to cart
-10% Bonsai Products Fertil Bonsai Humic - Fertilizer - 200 ml 01089 1 review €4.51 €5.01 Complete liquid fertilizer Organo-Mineral for Bonsai, containing Micronutrients, Organic matter, Humic Acids, Calcium and Rizopheric Microorganisms*The nutritional balance between N-P-K, optimized with the organic component, makes it ideal for application in all Bonsai species, and can be used in the soil and via foliar, approximately from February to... Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai Mini Scissor - Wide Handles 105 mm - Basic 04004 1 review €4.95 €5.50 The Tesoura for Bonsai Mini - Pegas Larga, is designed for the apical pruning when we perform Metsumi, or small-brained pruning.Not being of the tools with more versatility, it is of the most frequent among the Bonsaists, for its aesthetic and reduced dimensions, attracts by being a "miniature" Bonsai Tool. Add to cart
Products Orchids Fazilo Natural - Insecticide/Acaricide - 750 ml COMPO 99950 0 review €10.95 Insecticide / Acaricida composed of: Pineapple 0.0015% and Pyrethrins 0.02% It acts by contact and ingestion. Developed for use in ornamental plants, it was tested by the "Luso-Bonsai" in Bonsai and Orchids (but can be used in other plants), having proved effective in combating: mites (red and yellow scratches), cochonilhas (in general) afideos, white... Add to cart
-10% New Tools and accessories Saucer plastic Rectangular 28*20*2 cm Black - Japan 02080 0 review €5.84 €6.49 Dimensions: 28*20*2 cmColor: BlackSaucer high quality rigid plastic. Ideal for when you don't find the perfect color for your vase.It is composed of non porous material. Add to cart
-10% Bonsai Products P/K Bonsai Algae - Fertilizer - 200 ml 01065 1 review €4.95 €5.50 Liquid fertilizer composed of Phosphorus and Potassium, optimized with Algae and Micronutrients, indicated for use in all Bonsai species.It has a stimulating role of flowering/frutification and the natural defenses of the plant, help root development and tissue lenishing.Technical sheet P/K Bonsai Algae Add to cart
-10% New Bonsai Products Bio Bonsai Activ - Bioestimulante - 200 ml 01088 3 reviews €4.95 €5.50 Bioestimulante natural liquido, à base de extratos de algas marinhas provenientes de águas frias dos mares do Norte da Europa, Ácidos Húmicos, e "Simbióticos Rizosféricos".Desenvolvido especificamente para uso manutenção de Bonsai ao longo de todo o ciclo vegetativo, na sua recuperação em fases de maior stress, e em pós-Transplante, pode ser utilizado... Add to cart
-10% Bonsai Products Green & Gold Bonsai Organic - Fertilizer - 200 ml 01120 1 review €4.51 €5.01 Organic complete fertilizer in Micro Pellets, 100% of vegetable origin, indicated for all type of Bonsai.Ideal for "spring adubations" and "Outonal adubations", or all year in mature pines and Bonsai.Technical data Green & Gold Bonsai Organic Add to cart
-10% Tools and accessories Bonsai Mini Scissor - Wide Handles 105 mm - Basic 04004 1 review €4.95 €5.50 The Tesoura for Bonsai Mini - Pegas Larga, is designed for the apical pruning when we perform Metsumi, or small-brained pruning.Not being of the tools with more versatility, it is of the most frequent among the Bonsaists, for its aesthetic and reduced dimensions, attracts by being a "miniature" Bonsai Tool. Add to cart
-10% Bonsai Products Biogold - Japanese Organic Fertilizer - 240 gr 01038 0 review €13.45 €14.94 Japanese solid organic fertilizer, pre-fermented and slow release for use in indoor and outdoor Bonsai.Ideal for "spring adubations", and for "Outonal adubations", or all year in mature pines and Bonsai.Biogold organic fertilizer technical file Japanese Add to cart
-10% Bonsai Products P/K Bonsai Algae - Fertilizer - 200 ml 01065 1 review €4.95 €5.50 Liquid fertilizer composed of Phosphorus and Potassium, optimized with Algae and Micronutrients, indicated for use in all Bonsai species.It has a stimulating role of flowering/frutification and the natural defenses of the plant, help root development and tissue lenishing.Technical sheet P/K Bonsai Algae Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Serissa Bonsai of 8 Years 65110 0 review €33.75 €37.50 Species belonging to the family of Rubiáceas (coffee), originates Southern China and Japan. Perennial bush of reduced leaf, ovalada, there are some varieties, possessing all a variegate version (white and green leaf) which needs to be more exposed to the sun since it has less green "area" to perform photosynthesis.Serissa produces a lot of flower all... Add to cart
-10% New Tools and accessories Saucer plastic Rectangular 28*20*2 cm Black - Japan 02080 0 review €5.84 €6.49 Dimensions: 28*20*2 cmColor: BlackSaucer high quality rigid plastic. Ideal for when you don't find the perfect color for your vase.It is composed of non porous material. Add to cart
-10% Bonsai Products Green & Gold Bonsai Organic - Fertilizer - 200 ml 01120 1 review €4.51 €5.01 Organic complete fertilizer in Micro Pellets, 100% of vegetable origin, indicated for all type of Bonsai.Ideal for "spring adubations" and "Outonal adubations", or all year in mature pines and Bonsai.Technical data Green & Gold Bonsai Organic Add to cart
Products Orchids Fazilo Natural - Insecticide/Acaricide - 750 ml COMPO 99950 0 review €10.95 Insecticide / Acaricida composed of: Pineapple 0.0015% and Pyrethrins 0.02% It acts by contact and ingestion. Developed for use in ornamental plants, it was tested by the "Luso-Bonsai" in Bonsai and Orchids (but can be used in other plants), having proved effective in combating: mites (red and yellow scratches), cochonilhas (in general) afideos, white... Add to cart
-10% Products Orchids Terra Orquídeas Terrestres - Substrate - 1.5Lt 01087 0 review €2.47 €2.75 Ideal for the cultivation of terrestrial orchids (Cymbidiums, Paphiopedilums, Bletillas, Dactylorhizas, Peliones, Ludsias, etc...).soil Sheet for Orchids Add to cart
-10% New Bonsai Products Bio Bonsai Activ - Bioestimulante - 200 ml 01088 3 reviews €4.95 €5.50 Bioestimulante natural liquido, à base de extratos de algas marinhas provenientes de águas frias dos mares do Norte da Europa, Ácidos Húmicos, e "Simbióticos Rizosféricos".Desenvolvido especificamente para uso manutenção de Bonsai ao longo de todo o ciclo vegetativo, na sua recuperação em fases de maior stress, e em pós-Transplante, pode ser utilizado... Add to cart
-10% Bonsai Products Fertil Bonsai Humic - Fertilizer - 200 ml 01089 1 review €4.51 €5.01 Complete liquid fertilizer Organo-Mineral for Bonsai, containing Micronutrients, Organic matter, Humic Acids, Calcium and Rizopheric Microorganisms*The nutritional balance between N-P-K, optimized with the organic component, makes it ideal for application in all Bonsai species, and can be used in the soil and via foliar, approximately from February to... Add to cart