-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Citrus Myrtifolia Bonsai from 23 years 54046E 0 review €225.00 €250.00 The Bonsai Citrus Myrtifolia, is a tree of persistent leaves, ovaled about 3 cm long, of a bright green tone.It is greatly appreciated by very fragrant flowering, followed by fruits with about 2 to 2 cm of diameter, which remain in the plant for a long period, giving it a very attractive image.He enjoys sun and good exposure, having to live all year... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Citrus Myrtifolia Bonsai 32 years old 54055A 0 review €450.00 €500.00 The Bonsai Citrus Myrtifolia, is a tree of persistent leaves, ovaled about 3 cm long, of a bright green tone.It is greatly appreciated by very fragrant flowering, followed by fruits with about 2 to 2 cm of diameter, which remain in the plant for a long period, giving it a very attractive image.He enjoys sun and good exposure, having to live all year... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Citrus Myrtifolia Bonsai 32 years old 54055D 0 review €450.00 €500.00 The Bonsai Citrus Myrtifolia, is a tree of persistent leaves, ovaled about 3 cm long, of a bright green tone.It is greatly appreciated by very fragrant flowering, followed by fruits with about 2 to 2 cm of diameter, which remain in the plant for a long period, giving it a very attractive image.He enjoys sun and good exposure, having to live all year... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Amoreira Bonsai 27 years old 54150I 0 review €315.00 €350.00 It belongs to the family of the Moraes and most species come from Asia.It is a medium/large size tree, caduca with clear green leaves, which can be rounded or with lobes. Very appreciated by the fruits and autumnal coloring.Amoreira Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Figueira Bonsai of 23 years 52446B 0 review €225.00 €250.00 Native species of the Southwest of Asia and the Mediterranean, belonging to the Moracean family.Bonsai caduco, with green leaves above and grayed underneath, with 3 to 5 lobes. Appreciated in Bonsai by the punctual fruitification and form of the leaf, which is pruned to the first leaves can significantly reduce the dimension.Figueira Bonsai to an outdoor... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Figueira Bonsai of 23 years 52446C 0 review €225.00 €250.00 Native species of the Southwest of Asia and the Mediterranean, belonging to the Moracean family.Bonsai caduco, with green leaves above and grayed underneath, with 3 to 5 lobes. Appreciated in Bonsai by the punctual fruitification and form of the leaf, which is pruned to the first leaves can significantly reduce the dimension.Figueira Bonsai to an outdoor... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Mass "Everest" Bonsai of 35 Years 53258C 0 review €585.00 €650.00 Species belonging to the family of Rosaceas that have as main origins Asia, Europe and North America.The Macieira variety "Everest", is the most widely used in Europe Bonsai, as it has very "generous" flowering and fructifications, has caduca leaf and ovalada. The flower is white/roasted outside, and the reduced fruit (about 1 cm) is red at the end of... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Faginea Oak Bonsai 9 years old 53513 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Native species of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa is commonly known as Carvalho-Portuguese or Carvalho-Cerquinho, belongs to the Fagacea Family.The Bonsai de Carvalho Faginea is a marcescent leaf tree (Semi Deciduous), whose tone oscillates between light green at the beginning of spring and golden in autumn/winter..Very well adapted to our climate,... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 9-year Bonsai Horizontalis Cotoneaster 58013 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Species from the temperate areas of Asia, Europe and Africa belonging to the family of RosáecasThe Cotoneaster Horizontalis is slow-growing, semi-caduc leaves, green and small that in winter gather various shades of yellow and orange, pink flower and reddish orange berries.The Cotoneaster Horizontalis Bonsai is an outdoor plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 9 year old Sylvestris Bonsai pine 63913 1 review €43.65 €48.50 Species belonging to the family of Pináceaes originating in Europe.Perennial bonsai with dark green needles of reduced dimensions (2 to 3 cm), and wrinkle peel that gives it extraordinary beauty.Its high capacity for adaptation and resistance, the proportion of needles and good response to Bonsai's techniques, made it the most appreciated European pine... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Wild Olea - Oliveira Brava - Bonsai of 12 Years 60818 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Species from the Mediterranean area (Portugal/Greece/Spain/Italy), belong to the family of Oleaceas.Olea Sylvestris, known as Wild Olea, is of slow growth, persistent leaf, ovalada and very reduced dimension when compared with Oliveira.It is resistant and well adapted to our climate, has a natural ability to compact the leaf and thicken the base of the... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia Bonsai of 12 Years 63818 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Species from China and Japan, belonging to the Cupressacea family.Not being a classic Japanese variety, the Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia has the ability to compact well, and its scales have a bluish green tone that gives it a lot of originality.The Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart