-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Juniperus Itoigawa Bonsai 23 years old 51846E 0 review €225.00 €250.00 Species from China and Japan, belonging to the Cupressacea family.Although practically all species can be transformed into Bonsai, most cannot "compact" after formation pruning, the Juniperus Itoigawa, in addition to compacting very well, is greatly appreciated by the light green of the needles, and by the hardness of its ideal wood for dead wood (Jin and... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Juniperus Itoigawa Bonsai 57 years old 51869A 0 review €1,350.00 €1,500.00 Species from China and Japan, belonging to the Cupressacea family.Although virtually all species can be transformed into Bonsai, most cannot "compact" after formation pruning, the "Juniperus "Itoigawa" is a "classic" variety" Japanese, besides compacting very well, it is greatly appreciated by the light green of the needles, and by the hardness of its... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Juniperus Itoigawa Bonsai 57 years old 51869B 0 review €1,350.00 €1,500.00 Species from China and Japan, belonging to the Cupressacea family.Although virtually all species can be transformed into Bonsai, most cannot "compact" after formation pruning, the "Juniperus "Itoigawa" is a "classic" variety" Japanese, besides compacting very well, it is greatly appreciated by the light green of the needles, and by the hardness of its... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 9 year old Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai 51512 0 review €40.50 €45.00 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 23 year old Diospyros Kaki Bonsai 55246C 0 review €225.00 €250.00 The Diospyrus Kaki Rhombifolia belongs to the Ebenaceas family, and it is a Japanese ornamental diospirator.It has male plants and female plants that produce fruits of about 2 cm in length of a strong orange tone.Diospyrus Kaki Rhombifolia Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 27 year old Diospyros Kaki Bonsai 55250C 0 review €315.00 €350.00 The Diospyrus Kaki Rhombifolia belongs to the Ebenaceas family, and it is a Japanese ornamental diospirator.It has male plants and female plants that produce fruits of about 2 cm in length of a strong orange tone.Diospyrus Kaki Rhombifolia Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai 1988 99300 0 review €1,000.00 A species of the family of Aceráceaes, from Japan.It is a caduca leaf tree, with five lobes (palmatum), being perhaps the most known and appreciated caduca in Bonsai.The Variety Deshojo, is greatly appreciated by the strong red tone in the budding and after defoliation, and by the magnifying Outonal coloring, which passes through different shades of... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 50 Years 51566H 0 review €1,147.50 €1,275.00 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficus Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 50 Years 51566F 0 review €1,147.50 €1,275.00 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficus Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 21 Years 51543 0 review €180.00 €200.00 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficus Retusa Bonsai is an interior... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 19 Years 51536 0 review €135.00 €150.00 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.REPRESENTATIVE... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 6 Years 51506 0 review €27.00 €30.00 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 6 Years 51505 0 review €22.50 €24.99 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 8 Year Old Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai 51510 0 review €33.75 €37.50 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 7 year old Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai 51508 1 review €29.25 €32.50 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 10 Year Old Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai 51516 0 review €49.50 €55.00 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 17 Year Old Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai 51529 0 review €89.95 €99.95 The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.REPRESENTATIVE... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Carmona Bonsai of 7 years/Cascade and "Easy Care" Buddha 99255N 0 review €35.96 €39.95 In addition to an original and appealing aesthetic, with a strong connection to the East, the 'Easy Care System' facilitates customer home maintenance, allowing a bonsai in a zone where the watering it's not easy, or even a weekend or a job.The specific maintenance care of the species that is cultivated in the 'Easy Care System' must be respected, and can... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Ficus Bonsai of 7 years/Cascade and "Easy Care" Zen 99255O 0 review €35.96 €39.95 In addition to an original and appealing aesthetic, with a strong connection to the East, the 'Easy Care System' facilitates customer home maintenance, allowing a bonsai in a zone where the watering it's not easy, or even a weekend or a job.The specific maintenance care of the species that is cultivated in the 'Easy Care System' must be respected, and can... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai de 7 Anos 51707 1 review €30.15 €33.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Deshojo, é muito apreciada pelo tom vermelho forte na brotação e após defoliação, e pela magnifica coloração Outonal, que passa por diferentes tons de... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai de 9 anos 51713 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Deshojo, é muito apreciada pelo tom vermelho forte na brotação e após defoliação, e pela magnifica coloração Outonal, que passa por diferentes tons de... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai de 12 anos 51718 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Deshojo, é muito apreciada pelo tom vermelho forte na brotação e após defoliação, e pela magnifica coloração Outonal, que passa por diferentes tons de... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai de 17 anos 51731 0 review €112.50 €125.00 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Deshojo, é muito apreciada pelo tom vermelho forte na brotação e após defoliação, e pela magnifica coloração Outonal, que passa por diferentes tons de... Add to cart
-10% New Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai de 20 anos 51741A 0 review €162.00 €180.00 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), sendo talvez a caduca mais conhecida e apreciada em Bonsai.A variedade Deshojo, é muito apreciada pelo tom vermelho forte na brotação e após defoliação, e pela magnifica coloração Outonal, que passa por diferentes tons de... Add to cart