-10% Species of Bonsai 9 year old Sylvestris Bonsai pine 63913 1 review €43.65 €48.50 Species belonging to the family of Pináceaes originating in Europe.Perennial bonsai with dark green needles of reduced dimensions (2 to 3 cm), and wrinkle peel that gives it extraordinary beauty.Its high capacity for adaptation and resistance, the proportion of needles and good response to Bonsai's techniques, made it the most appreciated European pine... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 12 year old Sylvestris Bonsai pine 63918 0 review €61.65 €68.50 Species belonging to the family of Pináceaes originating in Europe.Perennial bonsai with dark green needles of reduced dimensions (2 to 3 cm), and wrinkle peel that gives it extraordinary beauty.Its high capacity for adaptation and resistance, the proportion of needles and good response to Bonsai's techniques, made it the most appreciated European pine... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 7 -year -old sageretia bonsai 68008 0 review €29.25 €32.50 A species of origin in Central and South Asia belongs to the family of the Rhamenaceas.It is a persistent leaf shrub, bright green, much appreciated for its primaverile budding that becomes pink tone when well exposed to the sun.The bark of the Sageretia Bonsai, renews continuously, and falls into layers, which leave the base of the trunk with different... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 9 year old Sageretia Bonsai 68512 0 review €40.50 €45.00 A species of origin in Central and South Asia belongs to the family of the Rhamenaceas.It is a persistent leaf shrub, bright green, much appreciated for its primaverile budding that becomes pink tone when well exposed to the sun.The bark of the Sageretia Bonsai, renews continuously, and falls into layers, which leave the base of the trunk with different... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 9-year Cotoneaster Microphyllus Bonsai 58113 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Species from the temperate areas of Asia, Europe and Africa belonging to the family of RosáecasThe Cotoneaster Microphyllus is slow-growing, semi-caduc leaves, dark and small greens, white flower and larger red berry than the other cotoneaster.Cotoneaster Microphyllus Bonsai is an outdoor plant.Gift Box OfferREPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Katsura Bonsai de 7 Anos 63507 0 review €30.15 €33.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), de tom amarelo/alaranjado, que desvanece no Verão e volta a acentuar na queda da folha. O Acer Palmatum Katsura Bonsai é uma planta de exterior.Oferta de Caixa de PresenteFOTO REPRESENTATIVA* Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Katsura Bonsai de 9 Anos 63513 0 review €43.65 €48.50 Espécie da família das Aceráceaes, oriunda do Japão.É uma árvore de folha caduca, com cinco lóbulos (palmatum), de tom amarelo/alaranjado, que desvanece no Verão e volta a acentuar na queda da folha. O Acer Palmatum Katsura Bonsai é uma planta de exterior.Oferta de Caixa de PresenteFOTO REPRESENTATIVA* Add to cart