-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Romazeira Nejikan Bonsai 30 years 53953C 0 review €405.00 €450.00 Species belonging to the family of the Punicáceas, from the Mediterranean.The Punica Granatum Nejikan, is a Japanese romazeira of small to medium size, has as main characteristic, when growing the trunk to look like "returned".It has medium leaves, in an orange green tone, blooms since the spring and fruitifies at the end of the summer, its fruits are... Add to cart
-10% New Species of Bonsai 19 Year Old Zanthoxylum Bonsai 64136 0 review €135.00 €150.00 A species from Madagascar is part of the family of the Rutaceans.The Zanthoxylum Bonsai has deciduous leaves, composed, bright greens, which by being pruned emanate a citric smell.It is also called Operculicarya, blooms in male plants and female plants, without easy dimorphism between gender. It is rare in Bonsai to bear fruit but to achieve it we have to... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia Bonsai of 12 Years 63818 0 review €60.75 €67.50 Species from China and Japan, belonging to the Cupressacea family.Not being a classic Japanese variety, the Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia has the ability to compact well, and its scales have a bluish green tone that gives it a lot of originality.The Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-14% Species of Bonsai Ficus Tiger Bark Bonsai of 10 Years 51516 0 review €47.30 €55.00 Time left The Bonsai Ficus Retusa is a persistent, medium-sized sheet plant.The most appealing aspect of the Bonsaists is the high resistance allied to the beauty of the bark and aerial roots that can emit, both of which are more evident in the Tiger Bark variety, which has the smaller leaves and shorter midwes.Ficu Retusa Bonsai is an interior plant.Gift Box... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Carmona Microphylla Bonsai of 20 years 66140A 0 review €157.50 €175.00 Species from the Southwest of China belonging to the Boraginace family.Persistent bonsai of slow growth, leaves much appreciated by its lush green.The Bonsai Carmona, gives a white flower that can be followed by a fruit. There are 2 varieties, the larger leaf (Macrophyla) and the smaller leaf (microphyla), the latter is less common.Carmona Bonsai is an... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Chaenomeles Spec. 19 year old Rubra Bonsai 55131A 0 review €112.50 €125.00 The Bonsai de Chaenomeles Japonica is an ornamental Japanese marmeleiro of caduca leaf, and much branching.Its flowers, which can go from white to intense red, passing by different types of rose and orange, appear at the end of the winter later becoming a small marmalade with about 3 cm in diameter.Chaenomeles Japonica Bonsai is an outdoor... Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Acer Palmatum Deshojo Bonsai of 7 Years 51707 0 review €29.25 €32.50 A species of the family of Aceráceaes, from Japan.It is a caduca leaf tree, with five lobes (palmatum), being perhaps the most known and appreciated caduca in Bonsai.The Deshojo variety, is greatly appreciated by the strong red tone in the budding and after defoliation, and by the magnificent Outonal coloring, which passes through different shades of... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 24-year-old Gardénia Bonsai 56848A 0 review €270.00 €300.00 Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai 6 Years old Bonsai 67105 2 reviews €22.50 €24.99 Original species from China, Korea and Japan, belonging to the family of the Ulmaceas.Also known as Zelcova Chinese, it is a small, semi-caduca or caduca leaf tree, very appreciated in Bonsai for its fine branching, bark (creates "scales" with age) and easy modeling.Ulmeiro Bonsai is a double location plant.Gift Box OfferREPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Pinheiro Pentaphylla Bonsai of 1970 99053 0 review €1,500.00 Species belonging to the family of Pináceaes and from Japan and Taiwan.It is a perennial tree, with needles grouped in sauces of 5 (pentaphylla). The needles feature a gray vein, which is often called Japanese White Pine.Pinheiro Pentaphylla Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Cotoneaster Variegata Bonsai of 7 Years 57707 0 review €29.25 €32.50 Species from the temperate zones of Asia, Europe and Africa belong to the family of Rosaceas.The Cotoneaster Variegata is slow-growing (slower than other varieties), semi-caduc leaves, green and with part of the leaf is white, pinkish white flower, and Red berries. The Cotoneaster Variegata Bonsai is a plant of Outdoor.Gift Box OfferREPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Citrus Myrtifolia Bonsai 15 years 54025 0 review €78.75 €87.50 The Bonsai de Citrus Myrtifolia, is a tree of persistent leaves, ovaladas about 3 cm long, of a bright green tone.It is greatly appreciated by very fragrant flowering, followed by fruits with about 2 cm of diameter, which remain in the plant for a long period, giving it a very attractive image.Being a typical Mediterranean plant, taste of sun and good... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai 23 year old Diospyros Kaki Bonsai 55246C 0 review €225.00 €250.00 The Diospyrus Kaki Rhombifolia belongs to the Ebenaceas family, and it is a Japanese ornamental diospirator.It has male plants and female plants that produce fruits of about 2 cm in length of a strong orange tone.Diospyrus Kaki Rhombifolia Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REAL FOTO* Add to cart
-10% Species of Bonsai Carmona Macrophyla Bonsai of 7 years 66008 0 review €29.25 €32.50 Species from the Southwest of China belonging to the Boraginace family.Persistent bonsai of slow growth, leaves much appreciated by its lush green.The Bonsai Carmona, gives a white flower that can be followed by a fruit. There are 2 varieties, the larger leaf (Macrophyla) and the smaller leaf (microphyla), the latter is less common.Carmona Bonsai is an... Add to cart
-10% Last items in stock Species of Bonsai Azalea Bonsai of 27 years 53350C 0 review €315.00 €350.00 Member of the Ericace family is from Japan.It is a species very appreciated for its flowering, which in some varieties can be of different shades in the same plant (and have different colors in the same flower).Azálea Bonsai is an outdoor plant.REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO Add to cart